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Friendship Heights Neighbors Network
HomeFHNN Covid Policy


Out of an awareness of our membership's Covid risk and respect for each other, we developed Covid policies that foster the well-being of our membership. 

FHNN encourages the following:

Vaccinations following CDC Guidelines
Masking for indoor group activities, and 
Respect for those requesting the masking of others.  


Friendship Heights has a high proportion of those aged 75 +. The 65+ age group can be at relatively high risk for the adverse effects of Covid. 

Fortunately, nearly all our members are vaccinated, many with boosters. This fact reduces but does not eliminate the risk of Covid complications, even with available treatments.

Covid Policy

Vaccination: All new members will be asked about their Covid vaccination status. We do not require Covid vaccination but recommend that members follow CDC vaccination guidelines for those 65+. 

FHNN Volunteers providing in-person services to our full members should be vaccinated following applicable CDC vaccination guidelines

Masking: FHNN encourages masking for in-person, indoor events. If either a member or volunteer requests that masks be worn for in-person services such as rides, both parties will wear masks.