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Friendship Heights Neighbors Network
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October-December 2024 Programs
We wrapped up 2024 with a bang! In the last three months of 2024, we had 6 building meetings, 2 virtual, art docent programs (Paris 1874: The Impressionist Moment and Principles of Composition), an outing to the National Gallery of Art, and our annual Holiday Party.  We also started an FHNN Family Caregiver Support Group and had presentations on Precision Medicine in Alzheimer's Disease and on Eldercare Mediation and Guardianship.  All of this is in addition to our affinity groups, many of which meet weekly.  We'd love to talk to you about our programs and membership or volunteer opportunities.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions.  

Over 160 People Attend In-Person Events in October 2023
In October 2023, FHNN held special, resident events in five of our buildings. An eye-popping 130+ people attended. At The Willoughby, we there was a Music and Movement event. At The Carleton, we focused on community issues. At Willard Towers, there was a smartphone help event. At the Highlands of Chevy Chase, a small, intimate gathering helped to unite the two buildings. And at 4620, there was a talk on the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. FHNN also held an all-neighborhood in-person event at The Willoughby on end-of-life care: 38 people came. That means in October, FHNN brought together in person over 160 people.

Over 50 People Attend Ice Cream Social in 2023
The annual ice cream social was attended by over 50 people, the largest social gathering so far this year. Held at The Elizabeth party room on August 22, FHNN members, volunteers, and Elizabeth residents -- both young and old -- gathered together to enjoy ice cream, cookies, and a large assortment of toppings. Rare for August, the day was a mild 86 degrees, and many people sat outside on the patio. A short presentation about FHNN membership and how to volunteer with us was also included. Beth Beisel, FHNN Director of Communications and Development, said, "It just goes to show how much people enjoy getting together and spending time with each other. FHNN is just so happy that so many peopled came out." Go to 2023 Ice Cream Social to see photos of the event.

FHNN Is Award Citation from Senator Van Hollen

On June 11, 2023 at FHNN's Annual Fundraiser, FHNN was awarded a Citation from US Senator Chris Van Hollen. The award was presented by Van Hollen's Constituent Services Representative, Karen M. Hendricks, JD. FHNN President Constance Row accepted the award on FHNN's behalf. The Citation reads as follows:


This citation is presented to the Friendship Heights Neighbors Network in recognition of eight years of outstanding dedication to the needs of seniors in Friendship Heights, and with gratitude to all the volunteers who offer their time and skill to help seniors thrive, age comfortably in their homes, build strong personal relationships, maintain dignity, and loneliness in a healthier and happier community.

2023 FHNN Fundraiser Raises Most in Its History
More than 75 people attended the FHNN Annual Fundraiser on July 11, 2023. Over $14,000 was raised from the sale of 110 tickets, event sponsorships, and direct donations. This amount is the most ever raised at an Annual FHNN Fundraiser. All proceeds will go to aid FHNN's vital mission of supporting seniors in our neighborhood.

FHNN invited three dynamic speakers to address issues in Maryland and our nearby community. Delegate Marc Korman spoke about how the Maryland State Legislature works with local communities and touched on education, transportation, and aging issues. Councilmember Andrew Friedson focused on the importance of spurring development in the Friendship Heights business corridor. He also responded to a question about online scams, stating that everyone has been tricked at some point and urged vigilance. He offered to put together an educational program using County resources on how to reduce risks. Delegate Sara Wolek addressed the mental health needs of Marylanders and expressed her hope for a close connection to her constituents as she starts her new role as a Delegate to District 16.

During the Fundraiser, Constance Row accepted a Citation on the behalf of FHNN from US Senator Chris Van Hollen (Maryland). The award was presented by Van Hollen's Constituent Services Representative, Karen M. Hendricks, JD.

Two More Speakers Join Roster for June 11 Fundraiser

FHNN announced that two additional speakers will be joining featured speaker Marc Korman, Maryland House Majority Leader, at FHNN's Fundraiser on June 11. Joining Marc will be Andrew Friedson, the Vice President of the Montgomery County Council and Sarah Wolek, the newly appointed delegate for District 16. All rising stars on the Maryland political scene, they will bring fresh perspectives on what's happening at the State and County level in Maryland. All proceeds go to support FHNN's work in supporting seniors in Friendship Heights, MD. The event will be held at the Friendship Heights Village Community Center. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 after June 8. For more information, go to

FHNN Announces Guest Speaker for June Fundraiser

On April 1, 2023, FHNN announced that its featured speaker at its annual fundraiser will be Marc Korman, the delegate from District 16, which includes Friendship Heights, MD. Korman is the Majority Leader of the Maryland House of Delegates. As a member of the Appropriations Committee since becoming a Delegate in 2015, he has chaired its Transportation & the Environment Subcommittee. Marc now sits on the powerful Rules and Executive Nominations Committee. An engaging speaker, his insights into our current political landscape will be fascinating.

Each year FHNN hosts an afternoon of lively presentations. This year the annual fundraiser will take place on Sunday, June 11 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. All proceeds go to support FHNN's vital work in helping to support seniors in Friendship Heights. The event will be held at the Friendship Heights Village Community Center. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 after June 8 or at the door.
To purchase tickets, go to

FHNN Crafters Donate Knitted Tool for Calming Patients

FHNN's Crafts & Chat group has been busy! In February, they donated a total of 50 twiddle muffs to three area organizations serving seniors. A twiddle muff is a colorful tube made of yarn and embellished with fun objects that can help calm restless hands. Holy Cross Home Care, the Lisner-Louise-Dickson-Hurt Home, and the Hebrew Home memory care unit each received a collection of beautifully knitted and embellished twiddle muffs created by members of the Crafts & Chat group in partnership with area knitting groups. Karen Phillips, Activities Director of the Hurt Home, was thrilled to see the colorful creations. Those who care for patients with dementia or other cognitive issues are especially appreciative, since twiddle muffs help reduce people pulling on their IV or PICC lines.

Montgomery County Report Highlights Important Work of Area Villages

The numbers are in! On January 9, 2023, Montgomery County, in conjunction with area Villages, published a collective impact statement for fiscal year 2021-2022. According to the report, over 3,500 people are involved with a Village, whether as a member, volunteer, or active in their social events. Village volunteers provided 6,221 rides in the past two years. Tens of thousands of volunteer hours strengthened the safety net for thousands of Montgomery County seniors. As a result, seniors experienced a better and more robust quality of life.

The report also highlights that Montgomery County Villages are more than the services they offer. While those services are vast and varied, from transportation to friendly visits and assistance in the home, Villages meet the critical need of social connectedness. There were 3,353 social activities, and all events totaled 43,347 participants. The report includes numerous personal stories of people who were positively affected by their involvement with a Village. FHNN's own Men's Group is featured in its photo selection.

There are currently 30 active Villages and five developing Villages in Montgomery County

Click here to download the report.

Selected Videos and Related Materials from FHNN Programs

Montgomery County Resources for Seniors, January 30, 2025
Presented by The Montgomery County Commission on Aging

RECORDING: Resources for Seniors

PRESENTATION: Resources for Seniors

Continuing Care at Home, A New Model to Aging in Place, January 16, 2025

Continuing Care at Home Recording

Slides from Continuing Care Presentation on January 16, 2025

Wesley SecureCare Packet, 1/16/2025 Presentation

Precision Medicine in Alzheimer's Disease: The Right Treatment at the Right Time, December 11, 2024

Precision Medicine in Alzheimer's Disease

Eldercare Mediation and Guardianship, December 6, 2024

Eldercare Mediation and Guardianship

Eldercare Program Slides, December 6, 2024

Lifestyle Factors Affecting the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease, March 13, 2024

Lifestyles Factors Affecting the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease


How Private Equity Changes YOUR Medical Care!

January 17, 2024

Private Equity Program


Senior Fraud Protection Forum, Protect Yourself Against Hacking and Scams!

January 8, 2024

Sr. Fraud Prevention Forum

Passcode: YMYGFG8.


What is Dementia and What Diseases Cause it?
November 15, 2023


Presentation on Dementia


Low Vision, Resources, Services and Support

April 25, 2023

Low Vision Presentation

Low Vision Program Slides

The Aging Eye

April 18, 2023

The Aging Eye Presentation

End-of-Life Planning, Issues and Options with Dixcy Bosley

March 29, 2023

End-of-Life Planning: Issues and Options

OTC Hearing Aids: Are They Right for You?
December 21, 2022

OTC Hearing Aid Presentation

OTC Hearing Aid Program Slides

The American Constitutional System at Risk: Can Our Democracy Die?
December 6, 2022

The American Constitutional System

Find out more about FHNN with a video created for our fifth anniversary.

FHNN Fifth Anniversary Video

Kathleen's McGuinness' Interview
of FHNN's President, Constance Row, May 2022

Ask the Expert with Friendship Heights Neighbors Network