Jim Curtin
Jim is a retired attorney and long-time Friendship Heights resident. Him and his musician wife, Ginny, moved to Friendship Heights in 1982. They raised their two children on Garrison Street, just across the DC/Maryland line, and since 2019 have lived in the Willoughby. While living on Garrison Street, Jim served as an elected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (1988-1994), deliberating and acting on a wide range of issues of concern to the neighborhood. More recently, Jim has served as a member of the Willoughby's Board of Directors. Between 1989 and 2022, Jim practiced law in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of General Counsel, advising agency clients on a wide variety of legal issues under the Clean Water Act and other environmental statutes. Before that, Jim practiced antitrust law at a large D.C. law firm, served as a staffer for then U.S. Senator Paul S. Sarbanes, and taught and coached high school English and basketball. Currently, Jim is the Willoughby's FHNN building representative and a volunteer FHNN driver. In his spare time Jim loves to dote on his grandkids, swim, cycle, listen to rock (and other) music, and root, root, root for our local sports teams.